Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Soal Toefl

Choose the letter of the underlined word that is not correct

1.   Nobody know (A) when the process (B) of glass-making was (C) invented (D).
A. Know
Karena nobody singuler maka kata yang tepat adalah knows.

2.  The languages (A) of the word presents (B) a vast array of stuctural similarities (C) and differences (D)
B. Presents Seharusnya present.

3.  The rise of multinationals (A) have (B) resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can (C) operate in so many jurisdictions (D).
B. Have Karena pluler, maka kata yang tepat adalah has

4.  All of the east-west interstate (A) highways (B) in the united states has even numbers while north-south interstate highways are (C) odd-numbered(D)
C. Are
Karena ada subject, maka yang kata yang paling tepat adalah is.

5.   When a massive (A) star in the large magellanic (B) cloud exploded (C) in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were (D) detected on Earth.
D. Were
Seharusnya kalo udah ada akhiran “ed” tidak usah memakai were seharusnya are.

6.   Every (A) open space in the targeted area that has (B) glass and a few bushes (C) are occupied (D) by the white-crowned sparrow.
B. Has
Karena ada kata singuler every open, maka kata yang paling tepat adalah Have

7.  Krakatoa is (A) remembered as the volcano that put so much (B) ash into the (C) air that sunsets a round the world was affected (D) for the two years afterward.
D. Was affected
Seharusnya kalo udah ada akhiran “ed” jangan memakai was lagi.

8.  The term “yankee” was (A) originally a nickname for people from (B) new England, but now anyone (C) from the united states are (D) referred to as a yankee.
D. Are
Karena anyone singuler maka kata yang paling tepat adalah is

9.  A network of smallarterise (A), mostly sandwhiced between (B) the skinn and underlying (C) muscles, supply (D) blood to the face and scalp.
Jawab: D. Suppy
Seharusnya supplying

10.  Mesquite is (A) a small tree in (B) the southwest who (C) can withstand the severest (D) drought.
C. Who, Who itu biasanya kata bantu buat orang, bukan buat benda.
Seharusnya menggunakan which.

11.  On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist (A) of a nearly (B) hundred large stumps scattered (C) on an exposed (D) coal bed.
B. Nearly, Kata “a nearly” tidak memerlukan indefinite article/determiner “a”, karena kata benda stumps adalah plural.

12.  The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more (A) like the Earth’s than (B) are those of any other (C) planet in (D) the solar system.
B. the more. Pola comparative: more ___ than ___, seharusnya tidak perlu definite article “the” tapi cukup “more” saja.

13.  The midnight sun is (A) a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains (B) in the sky (C) for twenty-four hours or longer(D).
B. visible remains. Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas memerlukan predicate bukan noun phrase (visible remains). Yang tepat seharusnya remains visible.

14.  The Humber River and its (A) valley form (B) a major (C) salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, and farmer(D) region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
 D. Farmer, Konjungsi and digunakan untuk menghubungkan kelas kata yang sederajat. Karena sebelum “and” bentuk katanya adalah gerund maka kata farmer seharusnya diubah dalam bentuk gerund juga yaitu farming.

15.  Ethnology, usually considered a branch (A) of cultural anthropology, is often defined as (B) the scientifically (C) study of the origin and functioning of humans and their (D) culture.
C. Scientifically
Kata kunci seharusnya membentuk frasa kata benda, namun penggunaan scientifically (adverb) tidk sesuai karena kata yang diterapkan merupakan noun (study). Kata yang seharusnya dipakai adalah scientific (adjective).

16.  The one-fluid theory of electricity(A) was proposing (B) by Benjamin Franklin, a man (C) famous for his (D) wide interest and great attainments.
B. Proposing
Kalimat ini seharusnya membentuk kalimat pasif (be + V3) karena ada kata by. Jadi predikat pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya was proposed by.

17.  Probably not speech(A) of so (B) few words has (C) ever been as celebrated as (D) Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.
A.    Not speech
Penggunaan speech (‘pidato’) pada kalimat di atas tidak tepat karena tidak bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan not. Frasa yang digunakan seharusnya no speech.

18.  Generally (A), Abstract Expressionist art is without recognizable images and does (B) not adhere the (C) limits of conventional form (D).
C. Adhere the
Kata adhere jika diikuti object harus menggunakan to. Jadi frasa yang dipakai seharusnya adhere to the limits.

19.  Perhaps the most distinctive features (A) of sharks and undoubtedly(B) one of the most important reasons(C) for their success is their well-debeloped sensory(D) system.
A.    Features
Karena frasa one of the most important reasons mengacu pada features, maka kata ini harus dalam bentuk tunggal (feature).

20.  Almost every(A) the hereditary material(B) of an individual(C) organism resides in the world(D)
Kata every tidak mungkin diikuti the, jadi kata ini seharusnya all of.

21.  The fiction writer, poetry(A), and critic Edgar Allan Poe is among the most familiar(B) of American writers(C) and one of(D) the most enigmatic.
Kata and menggabungkan kata-kata yang setara, dalam hal ini writer, poetry, dan critic. Namun penggunaan poetry tidak tepat karena berarti ‘puisi’ sementara dua kata lainnya adalah ‘penulis’ dan ‘kritikus’ yang merupakan profesi. Jadi poetry seharusnya menjadi peot (penyair).

22.  In(A) June, 1846, near (B) Sacramento, California, a number (C) of new settlers rebelled in the Bear Flag revolt and proclaiming (D) California an independent republic.
D. Proclaiming
Kata sambung and membandingkan hal-hal yang setara, dalam kalimat ini yaitu rebelled dan proclaiming. Namun kedua kata ini tidak setara karena rebelled berbentuk lampau dan proclaiming berbentuk gerund. Jadi proclaiming seharusnya diganti proclaimed.

23.  Mitosis is the normal process by which (A) a cell divides, each (B) new cell ending (C) up with a (D) same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
D. a
Kata same tidak diawali oleh artikel a karena menunjukkan sesuatu yang pasti. Artikel yang tepat adalah the.

24.  There are a series of large-scale wind patterns all over(A) Earth are called (B) prevailing winds that have a direct(C) effect on weather (D) and climate.
B.Are called
Kata earth pada kalimat berfunsi sebagai subjek, karena itu tidak dapat langsung diikuti kata kerja. Dibutuhkan kata kerja untuk menfacu pada earth, yaitu which. Jadi bentuk yang tepat adalah which are called.

25.  On the floor of (A) the Pacific Ocean is (B) hundreds of flat-topped (C) mountains more than (D) a mile beneath sea level.
B. is. Jawaban yang benar adalah are, karena masuk dalam kategori Inversion. Subjek kalimat adalah hundreds of flat-topped mountains.

26.  Because of the flourish with which (A) John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence, his (B) name become (C) synonymous (D) with signature.
C. become, jawaban yang benar adalah became karen signed (past) paralel dengan became (past) bukan become (present)

27.  Segregation in public (A) schools was declare (B) unconstitutional (C) by the Supreme Court in 1954 (D).
B. was declare, jawaban yang benara adalah was declared karena Passive Voice (Be + VIII)

28.  Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star (A) in the sky with an absolute (B) magnitude about twenty-three times (C)  that of the Sun (D).
A. the most brighter star, jawaban benar adalah the brightest star --> Ingat aturan Comparison degree -Supelative

29.  Killer whales tend (A) to wander (B) in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting (C) together (D).
C. resting, jawaban benar - rest --> Hunt, play, and rest together (Harus paralel)

30.  Some of (A) the most useful resistor (B) material (C) are carbon, metals, and metallic (D) alloys.
C. material, jawaban benar materials --> kata kerjanya are jadi butuh subjek yang plural. Some of ... material menandakan plural

31.  The community (A) of Bethesda, Maryland, was previous (B) known (C) as (D) Darcy's Store.
B.previous, jawaban benarnya - previously --> known berbentuk sebagai adjective. (Adv + Adj). 

32.  Alloys of gold and copper have (A) been widely (B) using (C) in various types (D) of coins.
C. using, jawaban benarnya - used --> have been + VIII

33.  J. H. Pratt used group (A) therapy early (B) in this century when he (C) brought tuberculosis patients together to discuss its (D) disease.
D. its, jawaban benarnya - their --> their merujuk ke patients

34.  The United States has import (A) all (B) carpet wools in recent years because (C) domestic wools are too fine and soft for carpets(D).
A. has import, jawaban benarnya - imported --> has + VIII
35.  Irving Berlin wrote (A) "Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" while serving (B) in a (C) U.S. Army during World War 1 (D).
C.a jawaban benarnya - the --> in the U.S. Army

36.  Banks are rushing (A) to merge because consolidations enable them (B) to slash theirs (C) costs and expand (D).
C.theirs, jawaban benarnya- their --> their + Noun. 

37.  That (A) water has a very high specific heat means (B) that without a large temperature change water can add or lose (C) a large number (D) of heat.
D.number, jawaban benarnya - amount --> heat menandakan uncountable noun. Amount (untuk uncountable noun) dan number (untuk countable noun)

38.  Benny Goodman was equally (A) talented as both a jazz performer (B) as well as (C) a classical musician (D)
C. as well as, jawaban benarnya - and --> (both + and)

39.  The state seal still used (A) in Massachusetts designed by (B) Paul Revere, who (C) also designed the first Continental currency(D).
B. designed by, jawaban benarnya - was designed by --> butuh kata kerja (was)

40.  Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century- Virginia to race (A) on courses short (B) of about a quarter of a mile (C) in length (C). short, jawaban benarnya - short courses --> (Adjective + Noun) bukan (Noun + Adjective)

41.  No longer (A) satisfied (B) with the emphasis (C) of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has moved (D) to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.
D. has moved, jawaban benar - moved --> terdapat tahun di kalimat. Maka perlu kata kerja simple past (moved) bukan has moved (past perfect)

42.  William Hart was an act (A) best known (B) for his (C) roles as (D) western heroes in silent films
A. act, jawaban benarnya -actor --> kalimat bermaksud pelakunya (actor)

43.  It is proving less costly (A) and more profitably (B) for drug makers to market (C) directly (D) to patients.
B.profitably, jawaban benarnya - profitable --> costly (adjective) --> profitable (adjective). Harus paralel. Profitably (adverb)

44.  Sapphires weighing (A) as (B) much as two pounds (C) have on occasion mined (D).
D.mined, jawaban benarnya - been mined --> have been + VIII

45.  Like (A) snakes, lizards can be found (B) on all others (C) continents except (D) Antarctica
C.others, jawaban benarnya - other --> other + noun. Other+ Noun
46.  Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently (A) been doing (B) home equity loans with greater frequency (C) than ever before (D).
B. doing, jawban benarnya - making --> pelajari perbedaan do dan make

47.  Artist (A) Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project (B) from 1925 until (C) his (D) death in 1941.
B.project, jawaban benarnya - the project --> on the project (frasa yang sudah umum)

48.  During (A) the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to (B) national attention as a result (C) its radical political (D) activity.
C.result, jawaban benarnya - result of --> result + of (berpasangan)

49.  Prior to (A) an extermination program earlier (B) this century, alive (C) wolves roamed across nearly (D) all of North America.
C. alive, jawaban benarnya - live --> alive terletak dibelakang kalimat. Live (adjective) + Noun

50.  In the (A) united states, there (B) are much (C) holidays throughout the (D) year.
C. Much, jawaban benarnya many karena Much menandakan uncountable noun (benda tak bisa dihitung) sementara holidays dengan jelas merupakan kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun).

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